Yeast infection treatment is a very common subject among women. Men aren't quite that open with discussions about their yeast problems, though it's much more prevalent that one would think.
The treatment of a basic vaginal, penile, mouth (thrush) or skin yeast infection is usually very simple. For vaginal or penile infections, the yeast infection treatment may include an anti fungal cream (such as Monistat), or a prescription for an oral medication, Diflucan (Fluconazole). These creams are available at the local drug store or grocery store with or without a prescription. The oral medication must be prescribed by a doctor. The yeast infection treatment creams can be used by both men and women and are highly effective in eliminating a basic yeast condition. For more persistent infections, the combination of both the creams and oral medication may be preferred.
For treatment of yeast infections of the mouth (thrush), an anti-fungal medication should be prescribed by a doctor. This type of condition is very common in babies and small children. If the infection occurs at an age when a child is still being breast fed, both the mother and child should be treated to ensure the infection isn't transferred back and forth.
Also, with genital infections, if you are sexually active and have had unprotected sex with a partner during the time you had the infection, it's important that both people be treated. Though yeast infections are not technically considered to be sexually transmitted diseases, it is very possible for the infection to be transmitted this way. Some people do not exhibit signs of the infection so it can be misleading to think they don't need to be treated. If both partners don't get treatment, the infection will most likely be passed back and forth.
The use of some condoms that contain the spermicide Nonoxynol-9 have been linked to these type of infections. Sexual intercourse should be avoided during an active infection. Not only are the sexual organs inflamed and painful, but the friction created during intercourse will irritate that area even more.
There are many other homeopathic options for the treatment of yeast. These types of treatments are much better at targeting the root cause of the infection, as opposed to masking the symptoms. The downside to this type of treatment is that it takes much longer to work. It may be in your best interest to do both. Use the OTC creams for immediate relief and start with a homeopathic remedy to make sure you kill the infection at the source and that it stays away.
It's also important to cut back on sugar and foods containing yeast while you're trying to get rid of the infection. Depending on the severity of your infection, this may be the key to getting rid of it. If you continue to feed the yeast, it will continue to flourish.
Another tip is to take some type of supplement to replenish the good bacteria (flora) within your system that actually helps to fight off infections such as this. A good Acidophilus product is easy to find at your local health food store.
If you follow these simple guidelines, your infection should respond very quickly to the treatment. Before stopping your yeast infection treatment, ensure that all symptoms are gone.
The treatment of a basic vaginal, penile, mouth (thrush) or skin yeast infection is usually very simple. For vaginal or penile infections, the yeast infection treatment may include an anti fungal cream (such as Monistat), or a prescription for an oral medication, Diflucan (Fluconazole). These creams are available at the local drug store or grocery store with or without a prescription. The oral medication must be prescribed by a doctor. The yeast infection treatment creams can be used by both men and women and are highly effective in eliminating a basic yeast condition. For more persistent infections, the combination of both the creams and oral medication may be preferred.
For treatment of yeast infections of the mouth (thrush), an anti-fungal medication should be prescribed by a doctor. This type of condition is very common in babies and small children. If the infection occurs at an age when a child is still being breast fed, both the mother and child should be treated to ensure the infection isn't transferred back and forth.
Also, with genital infections, if you are sexually active and have had unprotected sex with a partner during the time you had the infection, it's important that both people be treated. Though yeast infections are not technically considered to be sexually transmitted diseases, it is very possible for the infection to be transmitted this way. Some people do not exhibit signs of the infection so it can be misleading to think they don't need to be treated. If both partners don't get treatment, the infection will most likely be passed back and forth.
The use of some condoms that contain the spermicide Nonoxynol-9 have been linked to these type of infections. Sexual intercourse should be avoided during an active infection. Not only are the sexual organs inflamed and painful, but the friction created during intercourse will irritate that area even more.
There are many other homeopathic options for the treatment of yeast. These types of treatments are much better at targeting the root cause of the infection, as opposed to masking the symptoms. The downside to this type of treatment is that it takes much longer to work. It may be in your best interest to do both. Use the OTC creams for immediate relief and start with a homeopathic remedy to make sure you kill the infection at the source and that it stays away.
It's also important to cut back on sugar and foods containing yeast while you're trying to get rid of the infection. Depending on the severity of your infection, this may be the key to getting rid of it. If you continue to feed the yeast, it will continue to flourish.
Another tip is to take some type of supplement to replenish the good bacteria (flora) within your system that actually helps to fight off infections such as this. A good Acidophilus product is easy to find at your local health food store.
If you follow these simple guidelines, your infection should respond very quickly to the treatment. Before stopping your yeast infection treatment, ensure that all symptoms are gone.
This has been an overview of the most basic yeast infection treatment for a common yeast infection.
If your genital yeast infection is accompanied by other persistent symptoms such as fever, toenail fungus, fatigue, depression, immune deficiency, etc., you may have a systemic yeast infection and that treatment is much more complex.
If your genital yeast infection is accompanied by other persistent symptoms such as fever, toenail fungus, fatigue, depression, immune deficiency, etc., you may have a systemic yeast infection and that treatment is much more complex.
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A yeast infection is a common condition that is easily treated and not usually serious. A
YEAST INFECTION TREATMENT occurs when the natural balance of bacteria and yeast in the vagina are upset, and too many yeast cells grow.
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